Dog Gone
A dog lovers podcast devoted to honoring the lives & memories of man's best friend. Host: Jason Connell, award-winning documentary producer & dog lover.
Dog Gone
Tribute - Henry (Toy Poodle) - Comedian Pete Davidson
Dog Gone
Episode 03: Tribute - Henry (Toy Poodle) - Comedian Pete Davidson
Jason Connell pays tribute to the passing of Saturday Night Live comedian Pete Davidson's dog, Henry.
Henry (Toy Poodle)
unknown - May 3, 2023
(~2 years)
Recorded: 05-08-23
Studio: Just Curious Media
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Whoa, just curious. Welcome to Just curious media. This is dog gone. And I'm Jason Connell. So for those familiar with Dog Gone this newer podcast, I'm just curious media, you'll know that it's a dog lovers podcast devoted to honoring the lives and memories of man's best friend. And we've been fortunate enough to have two episodes thus far. The first episode, I was sharing the story of "Niko" Nikolaus Connell, my beloved white German Shepherd, who I lost last year. Oddly enough, it was almost a year, May 11. And I'm recording this on May 8, a year later, it still hurts. I dream about Niko, Sophia and I just moved in the last six, seven months to a new place. Lovely, right by the water, there's all this space, lots of acres, he would have loved it here. And he never had the opportunity to be here with us. So he's here in spirit. And I've never stopped thinking about him and nor have I been in a hurry to get a new dog. But I started this podcast as a way for me to deal with my grief. And also a chance in a forum for others to come and celebrate their dogs lives. And we had a second episode, which was fantastic. And we talked about Kuhmo, the Yorkshire Terrier, Michelle losses wonderful best friend and dog and covered it on the show released it, I think was May 31. So as I line up more guest it's not that easy. It's a new show, it deals with heartache, and you got to get the right person, they have to have had a dog. And so I'm lining some up, I do have a third person ready. But rather than have this downtime, which is going to happen until we hit you know, a critical mass on the show. And we have lots of people lined up. Something hit me the other day when I read this article. And I figured I'm going to come back and do some tribute episodes without the person because I read it. And it's a way to honor them and their dog. And at least we have some content coming out that's in this space, as we line up more guest. And if you don't want to come on as a guest, and you'd rather to send us your information to be on a tribute episode a shorter episode such as this, please do so. The show is still finding its way. But we believe in what we're doing. And we'll keep coming back with more. So what sparked this interest this idea? I read this headline. Pete Davidson mourns death of two year old dog Henry, quote, not sure I'd be around without him. So Pete Davidson, obviously a well known comic, 29 year old comedian was on Saturday Night Live and movies and he's been in the space. And I read this and thought, oh my gosh, and a two year old dog that is like, wow, losing them early is hard. Obviously you want them to live as long as they can. But that's incredibly early. So this is a tribute episode for Henry, the toy poodle. And I'll just read some of the stuff that was in this article because it got a lot of buzz, a lot of publications picked it up and I was just really touched and moved by it. And I wanted to share it here. So Pete Davidson shared this news on Thursday, May 4 2023, with an emotional message posted on the Instagram account of David Cyrus, who is a writer on Davidson's new peacock series Bupkis. So since leaving Saturday Night Live last May after eight seasons, Davidson has focused his attention on this new show bubkis which is semi autobiographical and has him playing a fictionalized version of himself. I'm unfamiliar with the show, but I may tune in now, and the series also stars Edie Falco The Sopranos Joe Pesci Goodfellas so many more casino also a comic and home alone. And it also stars Chase Sue wonders. Pete Davidson has been very open about his mental health struggles over the years, and famously lived in his mother's basement until he moved out in 2021. The actor remains quite close with his mother and sister, and both recently attended the premier of Bupkis. Now here's the message. And by the way, this is Henry. I'm going to show the photo for those looking on YouTube or YouTube Live. So cute. Look at this guy, toy poodle. He's got a little blue handkerchief on he is just adorable. And I'll show you a couple more photos here. This was in the magazine. So that's the same photo of Henry but yeah, Pete Davidson in case you didn't know who he was. And then here is Pete holding it looks like he He's got like a face mask below his chin like a chin strap. And he's got Henry there who's got good dog on his little outfit. So very, very cute. I'm gonna go back to the first photo of Sir Henry, rest in peace. Very sad. And this is more about what he meant to be Davidson. A message from Pete. Hi guys, I know today is the Bupkis premiere day. But I want to use today to remember my dog Henry. Yesterday we lost a key member of the Davidson family. Henry was only two years old, but unfortunately got very sick very fast. My mom, sister and I got Henry at the beginning of the pandemic, and he saved our lives. Not sure I'd even be around without him. He was the happiest and sweetest dog ever. He used to get excited when he saw me and would pee everywhere. That's hilarious. When I was working at SNL, my mom would send me videos of him watching smiling and making noise when I came on screen. I don't ever really watch any of my stuff with anyone, as I'm far too scared. But I didn't mind watching with Henry. He was truly the best. My mom's sister and I are broken. And we miss him forever. We love you, Henry, thank you for making our lives Fuller, and reminded me what actually matters. Pete That says it all. This little guy Henry came into the Davidson household, and right at a time that most people needed a beacon of hope, more love. And he connected a family and got them through the pandemic, and was so much more than just that. And somehow, animals, people can get sick, and it can happen very quickly. And he passes away at two that's incredibly young and incredibly sad. But he left his mark. And that's really what this show is about. If you have a dog for two weeks, or 20 years, it doesn't matter. It's what they meant to you, and those in your unit and your family. So very sad indeed, that we lost Henry that the Davidson's lost Henry, but I'm really proud and happy to share it here. I'm glad that he shared it. On the Instagram. I'm glad the writer David did the honors and shared this with everybody. And that's really what I wanted to say I want to do more episodes of course, we have more people lining up but tribute episodes or episodes, nonetheless, we're here celebrating their lives what they mean to us. And someone just recently told me, which is really spot on that even when you lose dogs, they leave scar tissue and you forever and it's so, so very true. So thank you so much for listening. And please be sure to subscribe to the dog on podcast and the dog on YouTube Live Channel. You can also really help us by giving the show a five star rating on Apple podcast. And for all your listeners that enjoy sharing your thoughts. You can leave us a review on Apple podcast, send us a direct message or post a comment on any doggone social media platform. We also highly recommend checking out our other podcasts and visiting just curious media.com